Address: Bokhnyaka St.10, office 15, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
Kamchatka Krai, Russia, 683031
Phone / Fax: (41522) 5-10-21, mobile.: 8-909-835-3530
Nalychevo Nature Park
Nalychevo Nature Park was created in 1995 and included into the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1996 in the Volcanoes of Kamchatka nomination. The park has an area of 286,000 ha.
The park territory has a complex geological composition and greatly interesting volcanic and magmatic and hydrothermal activity history. It includes the valley of the Nalychevo River with an opening to the shores of Pacific ocean and its mountain setting that consists mainly of ancient extinct volcanoes and four active ones such as Zhupanovsky (2,927 m or 9,603 ft), Dzenzur (2,256 m or 7,074 ft), Avachinsky (2,741 m or 8,993 ft), and one of Kamchatka’s highest Koryaksky (3,456 m or 11,339 ft).
Many rare geological phenomena concentrate here in a small space. This is a unique place to observe and study volcanic activity, ancient and modern ore and hydrotherma forming processes. The active volcanoes are centers of mighty modern glaciation. Tarn glaciers are forming in cirques of ancient extinct volcanoes.
In upper reaches of the Nalychevo River several seeps of hot (of 14 to 75°C or 57.2 to 167°F) and cold mineral springs concentrate on an area of 40 sq km (15 sq miles). The most famous of them are Nalychevskie, Talovskie, Shaibnye, Kraevedcheskie, Dzenzurskie, and Shumskie springs and cold mineral springs such as Aagslie, Koryakslie Narzans.
The Park possesses beautiful mountainous, tundra and marine landscapes. Combination of modern volcanic landscapes and ancient glaciers, some specific microclimatic conditions of the Nalychevo river valley have created an abundance and diversity of plant and animal life.
Thermal and mineral waters of the Nalychevo valley are diverse; their resources are great; and their balneological importance is invaluable. Waters of the largest Nalychevsky hot springs belong to a very rare type. In the whole world sites like that are single instances. They are weak-acid or alkalescent and contain a lot of rare elements (fluorine, bromine, iodine, lithium, rubidium, arsenic, boron, strontium, antimony, germanium, etc). Possibility of a complex application of therapeutical waters of different types is a good prospective for the future of the Nalychevo Valley.
Combination of modern volcanic landscapes and ancient glaciers, some specific microclimatic conditions of the Nalychevo river valley have created an abundance and diversity of plant and animal life. Of special interest is vegetation formed in thermal water bodies and nearby. Erman (stone) birch woods, typical for Kamchatka, are unique in the vicinity of the springs because rare species of orchids family are unusually found here including adorably beautiful large flower ladie's slipper, registered in the Red Book of RF.
The animal life is represented with 33 species of mammals. The largest animals are bear, wild reindeer, and snow sheep. The Nalychevo river valley is a site of seasonal aggregation of brown bear during salmon spawning and berries ripening period. Volcano slopes and rocks of Nalychevo cape are snow sheep habitation places.
The list of birds counts 145 species (including 90 nesting). Specially protected species are Pacific brant, Steller's sea eagle, sea eagle, Arctic falcon, peregrine falcon, golden eagle.
Five species of Pacific salmon spawn and have great numbers in the Nalychevo river and its tributaries. Rare species of char and Kamchatkan trout are found here.
One can get to the park territory by helicopter (a flight to the central part takes just 15-20 minutes) or from Pinachevo settlement along the picturesque footpath of 44 km (27 miles).
In the park center, sponsored by the WWF and the Kamchatka Oblast Ecological Foundation, Vladimir Semyonov eco-education center was constructed; scenic trail was created; sites for amateur tourists to stop were arranged; balneological thermal springs on the Goryachaya river equipped; several wooden cabins for housing of tourists were constructed. From this place tourists start their single day hiking trips to highland Vershinsky Lake and Chistinsky Narzany; and 3-days trips to Talovsky and Kraevedcheskie hot springs and to Dzendzur volcano.
There is abundance of berries and mushrooms from the middle of summer in the park. One can observe spawning of salmon and fish char on the Nalycheva river and raft there. As for specialized eco-tourist groups there are possibilities for botanic and volcanological tours and also rare animal species watching including snow sheep and Steller’s sea eagle. The park is very attractive for winter adventures as well. In early spring in the Nalychevo valley there is a lot of clean snow and blue skies, wonderful suntan, ski trips and snowmobile riding, downhilling on slopes of volcanoes that surround the valley All these make Nalychevo park a perfect place for development of eco tourism, that becomes more popular among Russian and foreign guests year after year.
phone / fax: +7 (4152) 22-75-12, mob.: +7 914-780-1764 - Tatyana, +7 909-835-3530 - Constantine
Register number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators – ВТ 010113
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